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Helping Our Communities During Coronavirus 

Black America Cares is raising $25,000 to help people pay their bills, feed their families and provide essential necessities. We're giving $100 per request and ALL money collected will go directly to the individual asking for assistance.  For those seeking help, we’ll be reading your submissions and selecting stories every day. You may submit your request below.  If you'd like to support us please select either the cash app or the gofundme button below. Thank you for making a difference in our communities.

NOTE: Must be a resident of Ward 8 in Washington, DC or PG County, MD. Proof of address is required. Please do not request through cash app

INVEST In The Community!

GIVE to the #BlackWealthFund

Why do we use the term "invest"? Because when you invest in something, you generally expect a "ROI" or return on your investment. Your return is the satisfaction of knowing you helped to make our communities better. 100% of your investment goes directly to the people we serve. Your investment no only changes lives; in many cases you literally save lives and we sincerely thank you for making the world a better place!


In order for any organization to be successful, it's going to need funding. We don't like to beg, but we want you to understand how your giving impacts the Black community. 


We don't offer a hand-out. We offer a hand up. Most of us, at some point have had situations that forced us to choose between paying the rent, or paying the gas or electric bill or buying groceries. We've struggled with feeding our families and even having enough money to get to work for the week. 


Your donations help ensure that we have enough to help people who have more month than money. This doesn't mean we'll help them everytime they ask. Our clients can only get assistance ONCE a year. This helps us to serve more people. We'll work with them to help them solve their issue so they won't have to come back. The goal is helping our clients achieve 100% self-sufficiency.


What is the #BlackWealthFund?

We want our communities to win! We're not simply talking about it, we're acting on it. Upon learning that our Jewish brothers and sisters have interest-free loan programs in their communties, we're learning what they do and how they do it so we can do the same thing in the Black community. The #BlackWealthFund is our loan program.


These loans can used to help pay toward outstanding bills, buy necessities, funeral expenses, college/training classes and even toward a new home. Through the #BlackWealthFund we plan to start small, offering $500-$1500 loans. If the program is a success we'll be able to increase these amounts. We don't have to depend on payday or bank loans with HUGE interest fees. The more funds we have, the more we can loan. But this means the people will have to do their part by repaying the loan as promised, so the money can continue to circulate within our communities.

This is a pilot program we plan to implement soon.


Your investment helps to:
-- Stop people from resorting to stealing, selling drugs or prostitution to pay bills or feed their families.


-- Save jobs/Increase employment. Our clients will be able to buy gas or a bus/subway card so they can travel to and from work.


-- Keep the electricity, water or gas on for our clients. 


-- Ensure our seniors are taken care of. We help them with picking up meds or groceries & help them with mowing their lawns in spring and summer months or shoveling snow during the winter months.


-- Provide education programs that teach our clients and their children about basic life/home skills and financial literacy. They will learn things we're never taught in school.

-- Restore hope, trust and faith in our communities to love and help each other. Help people know they're not forgotten and someone cares. We care. 



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Donate with PayPal

All donations are tax deductible

Ways to Give

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© 2023 by Black America Cares

Call us: 

(877) 50B-ACAR
(877) 502-2227

Connect with us on social media

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